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9 Proven Methods to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

A website conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors that take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Optimizing the website conversion rate is crucial for all types of websites, whether they’re ecommerce sites, lead generation sites, or simply aiming to engage visitors effectively.

A high website conversion rate means you are getting maximum value out of your website traffic. Even small improvements in the website conversion rate can translate into significant revenue increases over time. For example, if a site currently has a 2% website conversion rate and gets 10,000 visitors per month, then a 1% increase in the website conversion rate to 3% would result in 100 more conversions per month.

There are many potential steps that can be taken to optimize a website conversion rate. The key is to understand your target audience and identify where friction points exist in the customer journey. This article will explore proven methods that typically lead to website conversion rate increases. A website conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors that take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Optimizing the website conversion rate is crucial for ecommerce sites, lead generation sites, and any website trying to get visitors to take specific actions.

Clarify Your Business Goals  

Before attempting to increase your website conversion rate, it’s crucial to clarify your key business goals and how website conversion rate optimization can help achieve them. This alignment ensures your efforts stay focused on outcomes that matter most to the business.

Website conversion rate optimization can directly support many of these goals. For instance, if you increase website conversion rate, you’ll likely increase revenue and grow your customer base. Higher conversion also means more customers complete desired actions rather than abandoning them.

Take time to identify your top 1-3 business objectives. Then consider how boosting your website conversion rate can help fulfill those goals. This focus helps ensure your website conversion rate efforts target areas with the biggest business impact. It also prevents wasting time on optimization tactics that don’t align with core goals.

Keep business objectives in mind throughout your website conversion rate optimization journey. Continuously evaluate whether your efforts match those goals. If needed, realign activities to optimize areas most critical for desired business outcomes.

Analyze Your Website Analytics

One of the most important steps for increasing website conversion rates is taking a deep dive into your analytics data. This allows you to identify issues and opportunities that may not be immediately obvious.

When analyzing your analytics, focus on identifying:

  • Pages or funnels with lower than expected website conversion rates: Look at your key landing pages and see where visitors are dropping off at higher rates. These are areas ripe for optimization.
  • Traffic sources that convert better or worse: See if visitors from social, email, organic search etc convert at different rates. Focus efforts on better converting channels.
  • How visitors navigate through your site: Look at click-through rates on calls-to-action and navigation elements. If key pages have high exit rates, visitors may be struggling to find what they need.
  • Behavior flow of converting vs non-converting users: See where they differ in navigation patterns. Use this to guide site changes to nudge more visitors to convert.
  • Keyword performance. See which keywords drive more qualified traffic vs general traffic. Optimize for keywords that convert better.
  • Device performance. Check if mobile/desktop/tablet convert at different rates. Prioritize optimizing underperforming devices.

Analyzing your analytics provides the data and insights you need to make informed decisions about how to optimize your website. Dedicate time to regularly reviewing your reports and acting upon the opportunities uncovered. This is crucial for driving continuous improvements in website conversion rates over time.

Simplify the Buying Process

Reducing friction in the conversion process is crucial for increasing website conversion rates. A convoluted process with too many steps will cause potential customers to abandon their journey.

To simplify the process:

  • Reduce the number of steps required to complete a purchase. The fewer pages and forms customers need to fill out, the better. If possible, condense it down to a single page checkout.
  • Streamline the checkout process by pre filling fields with information the customer already provided. Don’t make them re-enter the same data repeatedly.
  • Only ask for essential information during checkout. Additional data can be collected at a later stage once the sale is complete.
  • Make sure the checkout page is optimized for mobile, with large tap targets and a simple layout.
  • Allow guest checkouts to remove friction of creating accounts. You can follow up later to collect that info.
  • Offer multiple payment options to accommodate different customer preferences. Provide PayPal, credit card, Apple/Google Pay etc.
  • Improve site navigation so customers can easily find what they need. Ensure key pages are linked from the main navigation.
  • Optimize site architecture by putting the most important pages closer to the home page. Reduce the number of clicks needed to reach key destinations.

By streamlining your purchase funnel, improving navigation, and removing unnecessary hurdles, you will increase website conversion rates by reducing dropout rates during the checkout process.

Optimize Page Copy

Page copy has a big impact on your website’s ability to convert visitors. The text on each page should be optimized to speak directly to your target audience and move them towards conversion.

Here are some tips for optimizing page copy:

Your headlines and titles are the first thing visitors see on your pages. Make them catchy and compelling to capture attention. Use keywords where appropriate but avoid stuffing. Write headlines focused on the value proposition to the reader.

The body copy should clearly explain the value proposition of the product, service or content on the page. Focus on how you can solve pain points and address the needs of the reader. Use conversational language and avoid hype. Include relevant keywords but don’t over-optimize.

Understand your buyer personas and what motivates them. Ensure the copy speaks directly to their needs and interests. Use messaging that focuses on the benefits to the reader rather than just product features. Address their questions and concerns within the copy.

Optimizing page copy requires an understanding of your audience and what compels them. By crafting copy focused on their perspective, you can more effectively guide visitors through the buying process. Test different copy approaches to see which resonates best.

Improve Page Speed

Page speed has a significant impact on website conversion rates. Studies show that even a 1-second delay in page load time can cause website conversion rates to drop by 7%. With the average attention span getting shorter, users expect pages to load instantly. If a page is slow, they will simply abandon it and move on to a competitor site.  

There are several ways to improve page speed:

  • Optimize images – Compress image file sizes and lazy load images that are lower on the page. This reduces initial load time.
  • Minimize HTTP requests – Reduce the number of files requested by combining files and using image sprites. Each request adds to load time.
  • Enable caching – Set proper cache headers so resources can be stored locally and loaded faster on repeat visits.
  • Minimize redirects – Avoid unnecessary redirects which require additional network trips.
  • Optimize web fonts – Limit custom fonts and icon fonts which require extra requests.
  • Async load non-critical resources – Load JavaScript, CSS and other assets asynchronously so they don’t block initial page render.
  • Optimize web servers – Use a content delivery network (CDN) and enable compression to deliver assets faster.
  • Defer non-critical functionality – Defer resource intensive features until after the page has loaded.
  • There are a number of tools available to analyze page speed and identify optimization opportunities:
  • PageSpeed Insights – Google’s tool to measure mobile and desktop performance.
  • WebPageTest – Provides detailed analytics and recommendations to improve speed.
  • Chrome DevTools – Includes a network panel to assess resource loading.
  • Pingdom – Easy to use speed test from multiple global locations.

Continuously monitoring page speed and optimizing accordingly will improve user experience and boost conversions. A fast page load time should be a priority for any business website.

Focus on Mobile Optimization

With mobile internet usage continuing to rise sharply, it’s essential for businesses to optimize their websites for mobile users. Studies show that more than 60% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. Yet many websites still aren’t mobile-friendly, creating frustrating experiences for users trying to read or purchase on smaller screens.

The unique constraints of mobile devices present some key conversion challenges. Smaller screens make it hard to showcase products or easily fill out long forms. Smartphones also load pages slower over mobile networks, increasing abandonment.

To maximize mobile website conversion rates:

  • Prioritize fast page speeds by streamlining code, compressing images, and eliminating unneeded scripts. Page load times over 3 seconds lead to skyrocketing bounce rates.
  • Simplify navigation by featuring big tap targets, avoiding dropdowns, and minimizing the number of page clicks needed to checkout. Hamburger menus especially hurt conversion.
  • Resize text for readability, allow zooming, and increase button sizes. Use legible fonts and strong contrast.
  • Expand tap targets for buttons and links to at least 44px x 44px.
  • Cut down form fields and minimize typing by providing autocomplete options.
  • Ensure a responsive design that reflows content for different mobile screen sizes.
  • Develop a dedicated mobile site or app to create an optimal experience.

With the right mobile optimization and testing, businesses can provide easy purchasing on any device and tap into the growing mobile market.

Leverage Trust Signals

Building trust with visitors is crucial for increasing website conversion rates. If a visitor doesn’t trust your site or brand, they will be far less likely to provide their information or make a purchase. There are several ways to establish trust and credibility:

  • Display security badges and trust seals: These visual indicators from trusted third parties like Norton and the Better Business Bureau showcase that your site is safe and secure.
  • Feature authentic customer testimonials: Video and written stories from real customers help prospects see that others have had positive experiences. Focus on relatable stories that highlight your value.
  • Highlight credentials and expertise: Share team bios, founder backgrounds, certifications, and anything else that conveys your authority. This expertise builds confidence in your abilities.
  • Emphasize secure checkout and privacy policies: Clearly communicate how you safely handle payment details and protect user data. This reassures visitors and improves conversion.
  • Provide multiple contact options: Phone numbers, email addresses, live chats all demonstrate you have nothing to hide. Being readily available builds rapport.
  • Optimize your website design: A polished, professional look and feel improves perceptions of your legitimacy and competence.

Proving you are a trustworthy authority is essential for converting website visitors. Implement various trust signals to provide the credibility today’s consumers demand.

Implement Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers through relevant, valuable content over time. This helps move prospects through the sales funnel by addressing their concerns and questions. Implementing lead nurturing can significantly increase website conversion rates in a few key ways:

  • Builds trust and rapport: By providing helpful information tailored to where prospects are in their buyer’s journey, you demonstrate your expertise and establish credibility. This makes prospects more likely to convert when sales engages.
  • Keeps your brand top of mind: Lead nurturing keeps you in front of prospects through ongoing communication like email sequences, content offers, and social media engagement. This primes them to buy from you when they’re ready.
  • Qualifies and scores leads: Tracking prospect engagement with your content offers insight into who’s most sales-ready. You can then prioritize following up with hot leads first.
  • Addresses objections proactively: Lead nurturing content can tackle common concerns like pricing, solutions, and ROI. This speeds up sales cycles by handling objections even before prospects raise them.
  • Closes sales faster: Warm leads that have been nurtured require less sales effort to close. Reps can skip early stage education and jump into conversations that advance the sale.
  • Improves website conversion rates: Studies show nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. The increased trust, engagement, and sales readiness pays off at conversion.

Effective nurturing typically involves a multi-touch email sequence with content like ebooks, whitepapers, demos, and webinars. This gives prospects valuable information matched to where they are in their journey. The key is making offers relevant and helpful, not overly promotional. With a strategic nurturing approach, you can increase conversion substantially.

Continuously Test and Optimize

Ongoing testing and optimization should be an integral part of any website strategy. You should constantly be looking for ways to improve website conversion rates through testing.

Testing should not be a one-time activity. It needs to be built into your website optimization process. Continued testing allows you to learn more about your customers and make incremental improvements over time. Don’t just test once and stop.

A/B testing tools like Optimizely and VWO allow you to easily set up tests by creating variations of page elements. You can test headlines, call-to-actions, images, copy, etc. The tools track performance to identify which variation performs better.

Some elements you may want to test on your website include:

  • Headlines and titles
  • Images
  • Buttons and call-to-actions
  • Page layouts
  • Content copy
  • Offers and pricing
  • Navigation and menus
  • Forms
  • Page loading speed

The key is to continuously test and iterate based on data. Optimization is an ongoing process. Always be looking for improvement opportunities through A/B testing.



WebHub empowers businesses to thrive with a powerful brand and reach. Our experts provide web design, SEO, paid internet ads, and graphic design to enhance your brand and drive results.

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