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white label seo

White label SEO refers to outsourcing search engine optimization services from an agency and having them provide reports and results under your brand, rather than their own.

The SEO agency handles all of the optimization work, including keyword research, content creation, link building, and technical improvements. However, the client’s brand is the one associated with the efforts, rather than the agency.

With white label SEO, the client gets all the benefits of an experienced SEO team working on their behalf, but without having the SEO agency’s brand directly tied to the project.

Some key benefits of white label SEO include:

  • Brand Consistency – All SEO efforts and reporting are branded with the client’s visual identity, not the agencies. This creates a seamless experience for the client’s team and customers.
  • Confidentiality – The client’s proprietary business information stays private. The SEO agency operates behind the scenes without outwardly revealing they are doing the optimization work.
  • Flexibility – The client can request specific optimization strategies or customize reporting. The SEO agency adapts to the client’s brand standards and business needs.
  • Cost Savings – Working with an SEO agency directly can be expensive compared to white label solutions. White labeling allows access to expert level service at lower price points.

Overall, white label SEO allows businesses to benefit from expert SEO capabilities while retaining full brand control and ownership over the efforts. The SEO operator works transparently as an extension of the client’s team.

How Does White Label SEO Work?

White label SEO allows a company to offer SEO services to their clients without actually having to perform the SEO work themselves. Here’s how it works:

  • A SEO agency performs all of the actual SEO work, including keyword research, content creation, link building, and technical optimization.
  • The client company then brands this SEO service as their own, without referencing the agency behind it.
  • From the outside, it appears that the client company is providing the SEO service directly. But in reality, the SEO agency is doing all the work behind the scenes.
  • This allows companies to sell and deliver professional SEO services, without needing the internal expertise to execute the SEO work themselves. The SEO agency handles all of the heavy lifting.
  • The client company is then responsible for acquiring customers, billing, and account management. But the actual optimization is entirely handled by the contracted SEO agency.

So in summary, white label SEO allows companies to outsource the execution of SEO work to an agency, while still being able to offer the service under their own brand. The client company gets the benefit of providing SEO without doing the actual work.

Benefits of White Label SEO

White label SEO provides numerous advantages over developing SEO services and teams in-house. The key benefits include:

Access to SEO Expertise

With white label SEO, companies can tap into the knowledge, skills, and expertise of an established SEO agency. The SEO provider handles all the technical work, latest best practices, and optimization strategies. This saves the hassle of trying to develop those competencies internally.

No Need to Hire In-House SEO Team

White label eliminates the costs and challenges of building an in-house SEO team. There’s no need to hire, train, and retain SEO experts, developers, content creators, and other staff. The white label partner provides the human resources.

Company Owns the Client Relationship

Because white label SEO is transparent to the end client, the company leveraging it owns the client relationship. This allows better control over customer interactions versus third-party services.

Scalable Solution

White label SEO can scale up or down as business needs change. There’s no need to add full-time SEO staff. Companies only pay for the services they need. This on-demand scalability provides flexibility.

Use Cases for White Label SEO

White label SEO allows agencies, companies, and consultants to offer SEO services without having to do all the work themselves. Here are some of the main use cases:

Agencies Reselling SEO Services

Digital marketing agencies often white label SEO to provide services to their clients without having to build out their own in-house SEO teams. The agency simply partners with an SEO provider, then resells those services under their own brand. This allows the agency to meet client needs without operational overhead.

Companies Outsourcing SEO

Some companies want to offer SEO but lack the internal resources and expertise. White label SEO allows them to outsource the work to an SEO provider while still delivering the service under their own brand. This is an efficient way for companies to offer SEO without large investments in in-house capabilities.

Consultants Offering SEO as a Service

Independent consultants can also leverage white label SEO to provide services to their clients. The consultant serves as the main point of contact while the SEO provider does the technical work behind the scenes. This allows consultants to focus on client relationships rather than execution.

Considerations for White Label SEO

When considering white label SEO services, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

Finding a Reliable SEO Provider

The most important consideration is finding an experienced and trustworthy SEO provider to partner with. You want to vet potential providers thoroughly – check their track record, client results, expertise level, and reputation. Make sure they follow ethical, white hat SEO practices.

Setting Expectations with Clients

Be upfront with clients about what SEO can realistically accomplish, and the timeframes involved. Manage expectations around ranking improvements and ROI. Have a service agreement that clearly outlines deliverables, pricing, term length, etc.

Reporting and Results Tracking

Your SEO provider should supply detailed analytics reporting to demonstrate the impact of optimizations. Make sure you can clearly convey SEO successes and progress to clients. Use tracking tools for rankings, traffic, conversions and other key metrics.

Pricing Model

Determine an appropriate markup percentage on top of the SEO provider’s base fees. Factor in your added value services on top of the technical SEO. Consider month-to-month or longer term contracted pricing. Outline any additional fees.

Choosing an SEO Provider

When selecting an SEO provider for white label services, there are a few key factors to consider:

Experience Level

Look for an SEO provider with extensive experience optimizing websites and managing campaigns. They should have expertise across multiple industries and be able to showcase past client results. Preferably, they will have 5+ years specifically focused on SEO. This demonstrates they can adapt to ongoing algorithm changes.

Specialized Skills

Choose an SEO provider with specialized skills in areas like technical SEO, content strategy, link building, and analytics. They should be able to optimize the on-page elements of a website as well as execute holistic, ongoing strategies. Diverse expertise ensures they can handle comprehensive campaigns.

Reporting Capabilities

Reporting is a crucial capability for white label SEO. Your provider should use advanced tracking to generate detailed analytics and performance reports. You need visibility into rankings, traffic, conversions, and other key metrics to assess the SEO program. Customized, white label reporting allows you to share professional reports with your clients.


An SEO provider needs to maintain excellent communication with you to collaborate on strategy and report results. Look for responsive, transparent communicators who provide regular progress updates. With white label services, you also want a provider who is discreet when communicating directly with your clients.

White Label SEO Pricing

White label SEO providers typically offer a few common pricing models:

Monthly retainer

The agency charges a fixed monthly fee to cover a certain number of hours or services. This provides predictable billing for the client. Pricing is usually based on the scope of services needed.

Per project

The agency charges a fixed price per SEO project, such as optimizing a certain number of pages or keywords. This allows flexibility in scope.

Hourly rate

The agency bills for the actual hours worked at an agreed upon hourly rate. This offers flexibility but less predictability.


The agency charges a percentage of the revenue or conversions generated by their SEO efforts. This ties pricing to results.

Tiered packages

The agency offers preset packages of services at different price points based on features. This provides options.

The cost of white label SEO depends on several factors:

  • Location and cost of living of the agency
  • Scope and complexity of services  
  • Competitiveness of the SEO market
  • Experience level of SEO specialists
  • Overhead costs of the agency

White label SEO providers have some options for passing costs to clients:

  • Build fees into project quotes and packages
  • Charge markup on external costs like ads and tools  
  • Bill hourly for time spent on extensive reporting
  • Negotiate revenue share for value-based pricing

The key is finding a pricing model that provides value, aligns incentives, and works for both the SEO provider and client. Transparent communication about costs and value is essential.

White Label SEO Contracts

When partnering with a white label SEO provider, it’s important to have a detailed contract in place to protect all parties involved. Here are some key considerations for white label SEO contracts:

Typical Contract Terms

  • Length of contract – Shorter terms allow more flexibility, while longer terms may provide better pricing. Consider your needs.
  • Exclusivity – Many white label SEO providers will require exclusivity to protect their brand and pricing. This prevents you from reselling the same services.
  • Pricing and payment terms – The contract should detail the services provided, monthly/annual costs, and payment methods and schedules.
  • Ownership of work product – Contract should specify who owns any content, reports, or other materials created. Typically the client owns them.
  • Performance metrics and guarantees – Will the provider guarantee certain performance levels or metrics? How will these be measured?
  • Termination – Under what conditions can either party terminate the contract, and what is the notice period?

Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements (SLAs) provide measurable performance standards the white label SEO provider must meet. Potential SLAs:

  • Keyword ranking improvements by X% within Y months
  • Maximum latency for technical SEO improvements
  • Turnaround time for requests and reporting (24-48 hours)
  • Uptime guarantees on tools (99%+)
  • Response time for support inquiries

Protecting Proprietary Information

  • Non-disclosure agreements – These prevent the provider from sharing the client’s proprietary info like business plans or strategies.
  • Non-compete clauses – May restrict the provider from servicing competitors or starting competing services.
  • Branding guidelines – Ensures provider uses branding properly and doesn’t misrepresent services.

Well-crafted white label SEO contracts protect all parties and set clear expectations for the engagement. Consult a lawyer when creating contracts.

Reporting White Label SEO Results  

Reporting and transparency are critical for successful white label SEO partnerships. The white label SEO provider should provide comprehensive analytics and reporting to demonstrate the value delivered to the client.

Dashboards and Analytics

A white label dashboard gives visibility into important SEO metrics like rankings, traffic, and conversions. Key metrics should be tracked over time to evaluate progress. The dashboard should be branded for the agency partner to maintain the white label relationship.

Custom Reporting  

In addition to dashboards, custom reporting provides detailed insights. Monthly reports can cover rankings, content, backlinks, site analytics, and progress towards goals. Reports should be easy to understand for clients without an SEO background.

Transparency for Clients

Transparency builds trust between the SEO provider, agency, and end client. Sharing analytics and reports openly keeps everyone aligned on strategy and progress. With a white label agreement, clients may not know the behind-the-scenes SEO provider. Reporting transparency helps demonstrate the value being delivered.

The Future of White Label SEO

White label SEO is poised for continued growth and adoption as more businesses recognize the benefits of outsourcing their SEO while retaining control over their brand identity. Several key trends will shape the future of white label SEO services:

Continued Growth and Adoption

As SEO becomes increasingly complex and competitive, the demand for white label SEO is expected to grow. More small and mid-sized agencies will look to partner with SEO providers to offer these services to clients without having to build in-house SEO teams. White labeling allows agencies to focus on core competencies while leveraging SEO expertise.

New Technologies and Automation

Advances in SEO technologies and automation will enable SEO providers to deliver more efficient and effective services at scale. This includes AI-driven content creation, technical SEO audits, rank tracking and more. White label SEO partners can benefit from these innovations without large development costs.

Increased Competition

The white label SEO market will likely see increased competition between providers as more players enter the space. This is positive as it drives innovation and competitive pricing. Agencies will have more provider options to choose from, while end clients receive higher quality services. Providers will need to focus on building strong relationships and delivering measurable results to stand out.

The future looks bright for white label SEO as a scalable way for businesses to implement data-driven SEO without significant internal resources. The market will continue evolving as search engine algorithms change, but the fundamental benefits of white labeling SEO are here to stay.


White label SEO offers businesses a strategic solution to harness the power of search engine optimization without the need for extensive in-house expertise. By partnering with experienced SEO agencies, companies can leverage a range of benefits, including access to specialized skills, scalability, and cost savings.

The concept of white label SEO enables agencies, companies, and consultants to deliver professional SEO services under their own brand, fostering brand consistency and ownership of client relationships. This model not only streamlines operations but also allows businesses to focus on core competencies while leaving the technical intricacies of SEO to the experts.

As the demand for SEO services continues to grow and evolve, white label SEO is expected to play an increasingly prominent role in the digital landscape. With advancements in technology and automation, SEO providers can deliver more efficient and effective services, driving innovation and competition in the market.

Ultimately, white label SEO represents a win-win scenario for businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and for SEO agencies looking to expand their client base. By forging strategic partnerships and prioritizing transparency and value delivery, businesses can position themselves for success in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.


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